Residential construction Right-of-occupancy housing

ASO Capella

ASO Capella


Asumisoikeusyhdistys Suomen Omakoti




2352 asm² / 49 asuntoa



Lead Design

POOK Arkkitehtitoimisto Oy, Pentti Raiski

Contract Type

Turnkey project

A home made together

Fira acted as the KVR contractor in the apartment building being built in Kalasatama in Capella. Client was The Asumisoikeushydistys Suomen Omakoti. The project consisted of a three- and seven-story apartment building with an attic and a parking deck.

Right-of-occupancy apartments are being completed at the site, and Vilja will move into one of them. The new apartment was designed together with Fira’s service engineer. A studio apartment is being completed for Vilja in Kalasatama, one that he himself decided on.

In the initial phase of the project, residents’ bridges were organized for the future residents of the building, where, among other things, the architect of the site talked about the solutions he had chosen. Vilja got to know his future neighbors at the residential bridges. In the evenings, willing participants were selected for the yard committee, to develop the yard area to look like the residents, with terraces and other solutions.

Takt Time production, digitality and work management plays a key role

In Capella’s project, the biggest effects were achieved through the implementation of takt time-based production and digital services.

“They have sped up operations and improved quality. The new tools and methods also improved the logistics of the construction site. So there has been less debris on the construction site to trip over. There have also been fewer back-and-forth transfers, which has reduced the risk of accidents and their number,” says Fira’s director of development, Otto Alhava.

The construction site as a test platform

In addition to pacing and digital tools, Fira tested, among other things, site condition monitoring at Capella. In addition, Capella served as an experiment platform for other operators as well. Researchers and startups have participated in the testing. With the help of the information and lessons learned, Fira continues to develop new solutions at the following sites and finally applies the lessons learned to all of its sites.

Fira’s goal is to bring the developed services and products to the use of other operators in the construction industry, so that the benefits can be shared by as many people as possible, both in Finland and abroad.

With the help of solutions piloted at Fira’s Capella site, construction was made faster, of higher quality and safer, and easier to manage in terms of costs.

Capella was ready to be handed over earlier than the original schedule. Time was saved, for example, with the help of the efficiency achieved with pacing production, digital tools and implementation-oriented planning.

Customer satisfaction


Overall score


Ease and effortlesness


NPS (Net promoter score)


1 In planning
2 Under construction
3 Finished


Contact us

Topi Laine

Business Director | Residential construction

+358 400 792 492